“Hope Eternal” – a Concert presented by the St. Augustine Community Chorus with Guests – the Bel Canto Singers

SACC welcomes our friends from “down south,” the Bel Canto Singers of Daytona, as special guests for their program entitled “Hope Eternal.” The SACC and Bel Canto will collaborate specifically on Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the Living, the centerpiece of the program. Requiems are typically writtten as memorials, as prayesr for eternal rest. The rest (Requiem) in this piece is for those who are in need of solace; those who are weary, troubled, ill, and suffering. Forrest’s piece includes chorus, soprano soloist, organ, and chamber orchestra including harp. The concert will also include works by other contemporary composers: David Elder, Erik Esenvalds, Mark Hayes, and Kenny Potter. It promises to be a most inspiring program!
The concert will be held on Saturday May 10th at 7:30 pm in the Cathedral Basilica downtown under the direction of Michael Sanflippo with Shannon McKay at the organ.
Tickets are available at the SACC website: http://www.staugustinecommunitychorus.org